8:00 - 9:00

Mon - Fri

(+234) 907 036 0173

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Our Philosophy and Vision

Blackfriars LLP is a leading full-service law firm with special expertise in intellectual property law, capital market transactions, commercial litigation, energy law, and financial products, respectively. A fundamental principle underpinning our success is our unshakeable conviction that the practice of law is a privilege that carries with it the solemn responsibility to apply our talents for the benefit of our clients. We are resolutely committed to delivering highest quality service to our clients.

The exceptional quality of the work we do begins from our recruitment process. For starters, we recruit the best educated and talented lawyers; a majority of whom hold graduate degrees in law from the finest law schools in Canada, United States of America, and the United Kingdom. The intellectual depth of our lawyers is further enriched by the cosmopolitan experiences of our lawyers: almost all of our lawyers have worked as attorneys or articled in some of the leading international law firms in United States of America, Canada, and the United Kingdom. This rare blend of legal scholarship, intellectual depth, practical experience, and cosmopolitan outlook makes us the preferred law firm in Nigeria. We take pride in our unrivalled ability to deliver qualitative solutions to difficult and complex legal problems. Our clients continue to laud our innovativeness, attention to details and business acumen. We have the reputation of being the lawyer's lawyer in Nigeria. What we don't know in Nigerian law isn't worth knowing. We invite you to give us a call or send us a note.

Our Philosophy and Vision

Consistent with the vision of our founders to establish a meritocratic and transparent law firm, we are committed to the values of individual brilliance, collegiality, and integrity. Regardless of sex, ethnicity, religion, or social background, we reward the exceptional talent, training, and individual merits of our lawyers. This philosophy constitutes the bedrock of the firm. In recruiting new lawyers, we deliberately target men and women who possess superior intellectual capability, share the firm's vision and values, and have the initiative and ethical foundation to become leaders in the legal profession.

Our associates and new hires are assured of unhindered career progress when they put in their best efforts and talents in the ethical practice of law. Elevation to partnership is strictly based on merit, proven track-record of excellence, integrity, and collegiality. Our partners have demonstrated the qualities of character, leadership, intelligence and legal skills that have enabled them to contribute significantly to legal practice in Nigeria.